Wonderful Historic Monuments

Stonehenge, England

You might think Stonehenge is just a circle of giant, moss-covered stones in the middle of a grass field, well, you wouldn’t be wrong. But what’s special about Stonehenge is the mystery which surrounds it. No-one knows where it came from or how it got there. Is it a ceremonial site or a big sundial? No-one’s sure. It even has scientists and archaeologists baffled.

Tikal, Guatemala

Have you dreamt of exploring ancient and deserted archaeological sites in the hope of discovering some lost artefact from a past civilisation just like Indiana Jones? If you have then you need to go to Tikal in Guatemala. The abandoned Mayan city is more than a ghost town on a grand scale where the jungle is encroaching on the ruins, it’s a real anthropological conundrum. Where did all the people go? And why?

resources: Top 14 Wonderful Historic Monuments


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